How to survive a long haul flight?
Long haul flights are basically the flights that extends up to 6 hours. These flights can be boring, uncomfortable and exhausting if you don’t prepare yourself for it.
The frustration of a long-haul travel can range in severity from the mildly inconvenient (annoying seatmates) to the downright dangerous (deep-vein thrombosis is no joke), and a poorly planned journey can be enough to not only ruin your day, but a few more afterward, too.

Here, we are going to present some of the useful tips that can help you during long-haul flights and to make them indefinitely more bearable.
1) Book your tickets as early as possible
Waiting for extra 10 dollars’ discount for booking your tickets? This might not work in most of the cases. Buy your tickets as early as possible to enjoy your favorite seat.

Whether you are a window seat lover or the one who wants the easy excess to the aisle, you can enjoy your favorite seat at early booking.
Otherwise, waiting until the last minute will lead you being sandwiched into a dreaded middle seat.
2) Choose the right meal
Wherever you are traveling always chose the right meal for your flight.

Choose the food that will be good for your health and will not cause any digestive problems to you.
Consuming something with protein like eggs or fish during long flights are highly preferable.
A salad with good fats like avocado and nuts will also create a well-rounded meal. Avoid legumes and spices—they could irritate the gut further—and try reducing caffeine consumption through coffee or aerated drinks.
3) Wear the most comfortable clothes
Long flights can make you feel tired and/or frustrated especially when you are not used to it.

Always wear light and comfortable clothes for your flight to avoid any uneasiness.
For tops, sweatshirt made of lightweight cotton over a T-shirt as a base are highly preferred. You can also take a sweatshirt hoodie in a larger size over your shirt, big enough that it won’t prohibit your movement.
For pants, you can wear comfortable leggings or nylon workout pants.
4) Buy a comfortable travel pillow, earplugs and sleep mask
Are you too annoyed of the departing sound of the plane? Don’t worry ear plugs will work best for you in this case. Use filtered earplugs to equalize the pressure against your eardrum during ascents and descents.

Furthermore, buy a comfortable travel pillow and sleep mask to get a sound sleep during flights.
5) Hydrate yourself more and more
There is no denying the fact that water has numerous benefits.

According to a May 2008 article in Aviation International News, dehydration leads towards fatigue.
To prepare yourself for long flights, hydrate yourself more and more. Even the pilots often bring gallon sized jugs of water with them on planes to get rid of any muscle fatigue or frustration.
According to the research, in an average 10-hour flight, men can lose approximately two liters of water and women around 1.6 liters
Furthermore, also avoid those foods during flights that can result in causing dehydration.
6) Get up after every few hours to maintain the blood flow
While traveling in long flights, try to get up after every few hours to maintain blood flow.

Stagnant blood can pool in your legs due to which there might arise the chances of blood clot in that particular area, which is also known as deep vain thrombosis (DVT).
A new study revealed that around 1 in 4,500 travelers in a long flight suffer with blood clot. Although, not everyone suffers with the same risk. Therefore, it’s better to do the precautionary measures to prevent any hassles.
7) Try to relax
Over-stress and anxiety during long flights are not good for your mental health.
Don’t look after your watch after every several minutes, adopt a hobby that can make you feel relax and can help you in passing your time.

If you are a book lover, buy your favorite book before the plane departure. Otherwise, you can write lists, play cards, make puzzles, listen to audio books and you can also watch your favorite movie or series etc.
No doubt, long flights are challenging for majority of people but you can make them easy by following these simple steps.
Enjoy the blog and travel!
Have safe travels.
For booking your flight tickets, contact us.